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3230濕膜輪正如Elcometer 120一樣由三個圓輪組成。中心的圓輪直徑較小,其圓心與外側(cè)的兩個圓輪的圓心不同。沿濕膜滾動濕膜輪,中心輪濕潤部分末端的讀數(shù)即為濕膜厚度。如果知道涂層的干、濕比率,便可通過濕膜厚度計算干膜厚度。不同的測量量程從0~25μm(0~1mils)至0~3000μm(0~40mils)。



英國易高Elcometer 3230濕膜輪正如Elcometer 120一樣由三個圓輪組成。中心的圓輪直徑較小,其圓心與外側(cè)的兩個圓輪的圓心不同。沿濕膜滾動濕膜輪,中心輪濕潤部分末端的讀數(shù)即為濕膜厚度。

  • 連續(xù)刻度,測量精確度為±5%。
  • 適用于平面和曲面測量。
  • 不銹鋼材質(zhì),耐磨損,用溶劑清洗后可重復(fù)使用。

How to use a Wet Film Wheel - Elcometer 3230 Wet Film Wheel

ISO 2808-7B, BS 3900-C5 method 7B, ASTM D4414-A specify that the wet film wheel should be perpendicular to the substrate and the thickness of the coating should be stated as that indicated on the central wheel - ensuring that the wheel has been rolled from maximum thickness to minimum thickness - thus avoiding surface tension.


Hold the wheel by its central spindle. Begin at maximum thickness to reduce risk of inaccuracy caused by surface tension.

Roll the wheel through the wet film with the side 1 in the diagram touching the substrate. Roll for at least one whole turn and slowly enough for wetting to occur. Roll the wheel backwards by at least on complete turn. The wet film thickness is read from the scale, at the end of the wetted segment of the middle circle, 2 in the diagram

To use wheel on pipes, measure across the longitudinal axis (lengthways) of the pipe.

On rough surfaces, measurements will be made from the surface peaks and represent the minimum wet film thickness.


Elcometer 3230 濕膜輪

型號 分類 量程 分度 零件號
Elcometer 3230/1 Elcometer 3230 濕膜輪 0~25μm 1.25μm K0003230M001
Elcometer 3230/16 Elcometer 3230 濕膜輪 0~40μm 2.0μm K0003230M016
Elcometer 3230/2 Elcometer 3230 濕膜輪 0~50μm 2.5μm K0003230M002
Elcometer 3230/3 Elcometer 3230 濕膜輪 0~100μm 5.0μm K0003230M003
Elcometer 3230/4 Elcometer 3230 濕膜輪 0~150μm 7.5μm K0003230M004
Elcometer 3230/5 Elcometer 3230 濕膜輪 0~200μm 10.0μm K0003230M005
Elcometer 3230/6 Elcometer 3230 濕膜輪 0~250μm 12.5μm K0003230M006
Elcometer 3230/7 Elcometer 3230 濕膜輪 0~300μm 15.0μm K0003230M007
Elcometer 3230/8 Elcometer 3230 濕膜輪 0~400μm 20.0μm K0003230M008
Elcometer 3230/9 Elcometer 3230 濕膜輪 0~500μm 25.0μm K0003230M009
Elcometer 3230/10 Elcometer 3230 濕膜輪 0~1000μm 50.0μm K0003230M010
Elcometer 3230/15 Elcometer 3230 濕膜輪 0~1500μm 75.0μm K0003230M015
Elcometer 3230/11 Elcometer 3230 濕膜輪 0~2000μm 100μm K0003230M011
Elcometer 3230/12 Elcometer 3230 濕膜輪 0~3000μm 150μm K0003230M012
Elcometer 3230/1a Elcometer 3230 濕膜輪 0~1mils 0.05mils K0US3230M001
Elcometer 3230/2a Elcometer 3230 濕膜輪 0~2mils 0.1mils K0US3230M002
Elcometer 3230/3a Elcometer 3230 濕膜輪 0~4mils 0.2mils K0US3230M003
Elcometer 3230/4a Elcometer 3230 濕膜輪 0~6mils 0.25mils K0US3230M004
Elcometer 3230/5a Elcometer 3230 濕膜輪 0~12mils 0.5mils K0US3230M005
Elcometer 3230/6a Elcometer 3230 濕膜輪 0~20mils 1mils K0US3230M006
Elcometer 3230/7a Elcometer 3230 濕膜輪 0~40mils 2mils K0US3230M007
附件 15cm(5″)濕膜輪手柄 KT003230N003
50cm(19″)濕膜輪手柄 KT003230N002
100cm(39″)濕膜輪手柄 KT003230N001




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粵公網(wǎng)安備 44030902000434號

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